
The Backline Charitable Trust has initiated a project to produce a Hawke’s Bay Compilation Vinyl Record. This is a showcase of Hawke’s Bay artists and will reflect the diversity and quality of new and established musicians producing original music in the region.

It’s an opportunity for up and coming artists to be featured alongside established acts. Applicants are invited to submit one song, after which the judging panel will review the entries and make a selection. The selected tracks will be mastered at Munki Studios in Wellington. A limited number (300) of physical copies of the compilation will be produced and given away to market our HB artists – all artists will receive a physical copy of the record.

Who will decide what songs get included?
The Panel will be made up of current music industry representatives; this lineup changes every year to ensure diverse backgrounds and perspectives. The panel will be considering works that a) are produced to a high level, b) contribute to a cohesive collection that is representative of the Hawke’s Bay music scene and c) holistically meets their (the panel’s) standards for the global music industry.

How many songs will be included?

We expect 10 songs to be on the record – this is subject to change based on the length of the successful entries.

Who can submit ?

All works accepted for this compilation project must primarily feature an artist who is either from, or has spent a proportionate amount of time based in Hawke’s Bay. We (The Backline Charitable Trust) reserve the right to decline submissions based on the artist’s ongoing connection with the Hawke’s Bay region.

Who owns the rights?

The rights of all music and masters will be owned by the artists. It is required that all entries will be registered with APRA prior to submission. Please include the ISRC number as part of your submission.

What about digital presence?

It is required that each artist will release their track digitally or prior to or alongside the compilation release.  This will allow us to create a shareable playlist which we can then share through our online channels. We would also like to release some singles off the record via DRM (Digital Rights Managers NZ). The compilation record itself will not be released in any format other than vinyl.

What format should artists submit their work in?

Your submission needs to be a 24 or 32 bit wav or aiff file at the original mix sample rate. It should also be professionally mixed to suit a vinyl-specific mastering process – this means that the overall volume level should be no louder than -6 db and that the target RMS should be -16db to -26db. Any wide panning of bass instruments needs to be avoided and high frequencies like vocal sibilance and cymbal crashes should be tightly controlled in the mix. There should be no (or minimal) masterbuss (Stereo LR) limiting.

For Vinyl Mastering please provide the following:
Stereo mix file in .wav or .aiff format  (no mp3’s etc)
Bit depth:  As high as possible (24 or 32 preferred)
Sample rate:  Keep at original mix session sample rate
Peak level:  -1 to -10
RMS / Average levels: -16 to -30 (or lower if in 24 bit)
Use of limiting:  Please remove all final mix buss peak limiters and clippers

If you have already mastered the track for digital then please provide both original mix file and digital master and we will use the digital master as a guide when mastering for Vinyl.

You may also submit your work via a 3rd party sharing platform e.g. dropbox, google drive or media fire etc. If you do this, please double check that you have added [email protected] in the privacy/sharing permission area. If this is not done, your submission may be automatically overlooked. 

If your submission is successful, you may be asked to resubmit if your mix isn’t the required quality. If you don’t have access to the session files but would like to submit, then please submit the pre and post mastered files and our mastering engineer can work with what they have.

Can I submit a previously released song?

Songs can be submitted that where produced from 14th June 2022 – 18th August 2023.

How do you submit

Email a hosted link to your downloadable track to [email protected]

Code of conduct

Successful applicants must sign the code of conduct and email it to [email protected].

What are the Project timings?

– Submission process: 21 Aug 2023 – 31 Oct 2024

– Panel decisions: 3 – 13 November 2024

– Mastering: 14 November – 14 December 2024

– Record production at Holiday: December 2024 – January 2025

– Launch: February 2025